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[jfriends] Re: JDK1.2 RC1 が出ました

>バグがあるから Windows98日本語版 では動かすなと書いてあります。

 http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/japan-notes.html に、

> Due to bug #4177508, some applications that use swing classes

> may crash with a "Kernel32.dll Stack Overflow" error message
> when using JDK 1.2 on Japanese Windows 98. The crash only
> occurs when MS-IME98 version 6.00.0 is being used as the
> default keyboard layout (in Control Panel/Keyboard). We
> believe the cause may be due to a bug in MS-IME98. A similar
> bug has been reported on the Microsoft bug database (in

> Japanese). 


> Download and install the Microsoft IME98 Service Release 1 (IME98-SR1)

> from the Microsoft website. The crash does
> not occur after IME98-SR1 has been installed. 


#ダウンした場所がファイヤーウオールや HTTP Proxy で阻まれているからか、
#エラー出まくりでようやく JDK 1.2 RC1 のダウンに成功しました。
遠藤靖之 (えんどう やすゆき) <yasuyuki@xxxxxxxxxx>
http://www.freepage.total.co.jp/jfriends/ (Java互助会ホームページ)
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